Nigerian baby names: 350 Igbo names for boys and their meanings

Igbo kwenu! Asusu Igbo amaka!

Igbo language is so diverse that there are so many ways of saying the same thing; a benefit which is now being adopted by creative parents in naming our children. For instance, a traditional name such as Chinedu has its modern versions as Chidumaga and Chidumeje, but they all mean the same thing!

The Igbo people are a majority tribe from the southeastern part of Nigeria. According to their traditional religion, there is a supreme God called ‘Chukwu’ (the great spirit), who is the creator of the world and everything in it; minor gods make sacrifices to him. Although a majority of Igbo’s are now christians, the belief in their traditional religion is still retained.

In naming children, the events/circumstances surrounding the child’s birth are all put into consideration. As the Igbo’s are also profoundly religious, most Igbo names have a Chi (God) connotation.

From Afamefuna to Kainyechukwuekene, our comprehensive list of over 350 Igbo names for boys has got it all. We even suggested the possible pet names for these names, but the ultimate decision of how to shorten your handsome son’s name is yours!

View our list below:

Igbo names for boys

AdimchiI am important to my God
AdimchinobiAdimchi, DinobiI am in God's heart
AfamefunaAfamMy name will not be lost
AfunwaelotannaLotannaFather's resemblance
Akachukwu/AkachiKachukwu, KachiThe hand of God
NachiI am greater in God
AkaolisaOlisaThe hand of God
AkuabataAkuWealth has come in
AkuchinyereAkuWealth sent from God
AkunnaAku, NnaFather’s wealth
Akuoma, SinachiGood wealth comes from God
AmadiAmaFree man
AmaechiAma, MecheWho knows tomorrow?
Amandi/AmandianazeAma Trust no one
AmobiMobiWho knows the heart of man?
Anozie, AlozieNor Nor, AnoWe are now settled/ well positioned
ArinzechukwuAry, ArinzeIf not for God/Thanks be to God
AyorochukwuYorochiWe prayed to God for this
AzubuikeBuike, Zubby, AzuStrength gained from experiences of the past
AzukaAzuConfidence/ Well experienced/ Confidence built from past experiences
BeluolisaBelu, Bels, Bosah, OlisaIf not for God
Belusochukwu/ Berechi
Belu, BereIf not for the sake of God
BugarachukwuekeneEkeneCarry all thanks to God
BunkechukwuBunkeBelongs to God
CheluchiCheluWait for God's time
Cherechi/ CherechukwuChere, ChuksWait on God
Chetachi/ Chetachukwu/ ChetannaCheta, ChuksRemember God
ChiadikanmaChiadikaGod is too good
Kasie, AkasGod has consoled/comforted me
Chiaruka/ Chialuka
Aruka, AlukaGod has worked wonders
ChibubeaghaChibubeMay God continue to fight for me
UdomGod is my peace
ChibuezeBueze, Chibu, ChibbyGod is King
IfemGod is my light
ChibuiheChibuGod is light
ChibuikeBuike, Chibu, IkeGod is strength
ChibunduBundu, Chibu, ChibbyGod is life
ChibunkemBunkemGod is mine
ChibunnaBunna, Chibu, ChibbyGod is my father
ChibuzorBuzor, Chibu, ChibbyGod first/ God leads
DebemMay God keep me
ChideraDeraDestiny cannot be changed/ Once God says/writes
Chideziri DeziriGod wrote my story (destiny) well
ChidiadiChidi, DiadiThere is God
ChidiebereChidi, EbereGod is merciful
ChidiebubeChidi, EbubeGod is glorious/great
ChidoruoChidoMay God bring peace
ChidozieDozie, Chido, DozzyMay God fix it/Make it good for me
Chidubem/ChuwudubemDubem, Chidu, Bem Bem, ChuksLead me oh God
Chidumaga/ChukwudumagaChidu, Dumaga, Dum Dum, ChuksGod Leads me
Chidumeme/ Chukwudumeme
God is working with me/ God is with me
ChiebunieGod has lifted me
ChiedozieEddy, Edozie, Dozie, Dozzy, Edo boboGod has fixed it/made it good for me
ChiekezieEkezie, Kezie, KezzGod has made it good for me
ChiemekaEmeka, MekusGod did a great thing
Chiemerie/Chukwuemerie/ ChiemelieEmelie, Emerie, EmyGod has won
ChiemezieEmezie, Mexxy, MezGod has made it good for me
ChiemezuoGod has fulfilled his promise 
ChigaemeGod will do it all/ bring it to a completion
ChigboMay God end this fight for me
ChijidemJideMay God hold me
ChijindumChijiMy life is in God's hands
ChijiokeChiji, Jioke, Cee JayGod is the custodian of all shares/ talents/ blessings
ChikamchoroChikaIt is God I want
ChikaI won with God
ChikamnwereChikaIt is God I have
ChikamsoKamsoI'm following God
ChikanmaChika, KanmaGod is better than any other thing
ChikelueKelue, ChikeMay God make me whole/complete
ChikezieKezie, KezzMay God appease me with my share/portion
ChikumGod is carrying me in his hands
ChikwadoGod's approval
ChikwesiliotitoKwesiliGod is worthy of praise
ChileziemuanyaChilezie, LezieMay God take care of me
Agoziem, Gor Gor, GozieMy God has blessed me
ChimaijemChimaGod knows my journey
ChimaluijemChima, IjemMy God knows my journey
ChimaGod did well
ChimamkpaChima, MamkpaGod knows my wants
ChimaobiChima, Maobi, MobyGod knows my heart
ChimaraobimMarobi, ChimaGod knows my heart
ChimarokeChimaGod knows my share/portion
ChimbuchiBuchiMy personal god (chi) is the main God
ChimbuoyimOyimMy God is my friend
DaaluThank you my lord
Chimdi, DinduMy God is alive
DiutoMy God is sweet
EchefunaMay my God not forget me
ChetaMy God has remembered me
ChimeguzolaChieguzo, Chime, GuzoMy God stood firm/ is standing firm
ChimelotamElotaMy God has remembered me
ChimereGod did this
ChimereGod did his mind
ChimezieChime, Mezie, MexxyMay God make it good
Kezz, Keziri
My God created me well.
ChimmuanyaMuanyaMy God is awake
ChimnadinduNadinduMy God lives
Chimno, NoyaMy God is present
ChimsimgolibeGolibeMy God says I shall rejoice
ChimzuruokeZuruoke, ZuruMy God is complete
ChinagoGod speaks for me/ God is my mouthpiece
UzorGod sees
ChinakaNakaGod decides /God schedules
ChinanuGod hears
Ekene, ChinaraReceive all thanks lord
ChinaraotitoOtitoReceive all glory lord
NazumThe lord is my Shepherd
ChinecheremNeche, Chineche, Eche, Che CheGod thinks/worries on my behalf
ChineduNedu, EduGod Leads
ChinekwuNekwuGod says
ChinemeGod grants me favours
ChinemeremNeme, Chineme, NemeremGod does good things for me
ChinemezuokwuyaChinemeGod fulfills his words
ChinezeNezeGod protects
ChinezieNezieMay God look after/ take care of
Chinkem, DikeMy God is great
ChinomnazuChinoGod is behind me/backed by God
ChinonaobimChinoGod dwells in my heart
ChinonsoNonso, Nor NorGod is near
ChinualumoguChinuaMay God fight for me
ChinweikeNweike, Ike,Strength belongs to God/ Strength from God
ChinweokeNweoke, OkeyGod allocates gifts
Olileanya, OllieGod of hope
OtitoTake all glory oh lord
Chiwetelu/Chiwetere/ChiwetelWetelGod-sent/ God’s gift
Zimuzo, UzonduMay God show me the way of life
Chizitere/ ChiziteluZite, ZitelGod-sent
ChizulukemeZuluGod is great/capable
Chukwuanugo/ ChianugoAnugoGod has heard/ answered
ChukwubuoyimChuks, OyimGod is my friend
ChukwubuzoChibuzo, Chibby, UzoGod is First/God is the Way
Chukwuchebem/ NnachebemChebemMay God protect me
ChukwuchetaCheta, ChuksRemember me Lord
ChukwudaluDaalu, Chu Chu, ChuksThanks be to God
ChukwudiChudi, Chuks, Chukwy, Chu ChuThere is God
ChuksGod is wonderful/ powerful/ awesome
ChukwuebukaEbuka, Buu Buu, Bukky, Chu Chu, ChuksGod is great
ChukwuelofunaElofunaMay God not forget me
ChukwuelokaElokaGod thought well
ChukwuemekaEmeka, Mekus, Chu Chu, ChuksGod has done something great
ChukwuemikaEmika, EmyGod is mysterious
ChukwukaChuka, Chuks, Chukwy, Chu ChuGod is the greatest
ChukwukaimaKaimaIt is God we know
ChukwukamjiChikamji, KamjiI walk with God
ChukwumaChuma, Chu Chu, ChuksGod knows best
ChukwumeziauzoMezia, Mezy, UzoGod, straighten my path
ChukwunedumijeNeduGod walks with me in my journey
Chukwunemerem / ChinemeremNemerem, Neme, ChuksMy God will continue to do for me
Chukwunuru/ Chukwunulu
ChinuruLet God hear
DaaluThank you lord
DiarachukwunduDiaraLive for God
EbubechukwuEbube, Chuks, Buu BuuThe glory/greatness of God
EbubemsinachiEbubemMy glory comes from God
EchezonannaEche, EchezonaDon’t forget your God/ your father
EgwuchukwuI am in awe of God
EjikemeEjike, Ejyke, EjiksIt’s not by power
EjimchimemeonuEjimchiI brag about my God
EjimetochukwuJimetoPeople praise God because of me
Jim, TochukwuI praise God because of you
EkenedilichukwuEkene, Kene, Dilly, ChuksThanks be to God
EkenemchukwuEkenem, Kene, ChuksI Thank God
Elochukwukwu/ ElonnaEloGod's thought
ElozonachukwuElozonaDo not forget God
EmenikeMNEK (like the UK musician), NikeIt’s not by might/power
EnweremI have a God
EnyichukwuEnyiGod's friend
Enyinna/EnyinnayaEnyi, Nna, NnayaHis father’s friend
Esomchukwu/EsomchiEsom, ChuksWalking with the lord/ I follow God
EtuosuluchukwuEtuosoluchi, OsoluchiAs it pleases God
EwelikeEweIt’s not by power
EwezugachukwuEwezugaIf not for God
EzeudoEze, UdoKing of peace
FesochukwuFesoWorship only God
GosifechukwuGossy, Ifechukwu, IfeShow the light of God to all
Gosiora, ChimdikeShow the world that my God is mighty
Haluchi/ Hanyechi/ HanyechukwuHanyeLeave it for God
IfeanyichukwuIfeanyi, Ify, ChuksGod is most poweful/ Nothing is greater than God
Ifebu, UchechiA manifestation of god's desire/ thought
IfechukwudeIfe, chuks, IfechukwuWhat God has written
IfechukwudeniIfechukwudeWhat God has written
IfediasoDiasoA holy thing
IfemyolunnaIfe, YolunnaWhat I asked of the lord
IfemyoroWhat I asked of the lord
Ifesinachi/Osinachi/ IsinachiOssy, Sinach, Sinachi, Ife, IssySent from God
IgwebuikeIgwe, Buike, IkeStrength in numbers
Iheanacho/ IfeanachoAnacho, Nacho, IheePrecious/what everyone seeks
IkechukwuIke, ChuksStrength of God
IkemIkem My strength
IkemakolamIkemMay I not lack strength
IkembaIkeStrength of the nation
IkemefunaIkemI shall not lose my strength
IkennaIke, NnaStrength of his father
IwegbunaEgbunaBe happy
Izigo, BuchiYou have shown the world that you are my God
Izuchukwu/IzunnaIzuu, Nna, ChuksGod’s counsel
JachikeIke, ChikeGive praise to God/ Hail God
Jachi, IkeHail my God
JamalumchiJamalKeep hailing/praising God for me
JamuikeJam JamMotivate me/Encourage me
JayammaJay, JayaPraise him
JeozyDo God's work/ God's messenger/ Evangelist
JideHold God
Jidekene/ Nnajidekene
Jideotito/ Nnajideotito
Nnajide, Jide, Ekene, OtitoThanks/ Praise be to God
JidemmaJideHold on to good
JidennaJideHold on to your God/father
JideoforJideHold on to your truth/You are justified
KachimsilotamLotam, KachimHow my God remembered me
KachisichoKachiGod’s desire
KachisideKachiAs God has written it/The will of God
KachisiemeamakaSieme, KachisiemeThe deeds/ acts of God are beautiful
KachizamekpereKachi, ZamekpereMay God answer my prayer
KachisideAs God has written it
KachukwusiemeKachi, SiemeThe deeds/ acts of God
KaetochukwuKaeto, Tochukwu, Too Too, ChuksLet’s praise God/ May God be praised
KainyechukwuekeneKainye, Ekene, Kene, Chu ChuLet’s praise God
KaitobennaKaito, TobennaLet us praise God
KaitochukwuKaito, Tochukwu, Too Too, ChuksLet’s praise God
KambiliKam Kam, BillyLet me live/ I shall live
KambirinachiKambiriLet me live in God
DikachiLet me be like God
KamdilichukwuKamdiLet me live for God
KamfeechiKam, KamfeLet me worship God
KamgolibeGolibe, KamLet me rejoice
KamnyechukwuekeneKamnyeLet me give thanks to God
KamnyechukwuekeneKamLet me praise God
KamsiyonnaSiyonna, KamsiAs I asked God
KanayochukwuKanayo, Anayo, ChuksLet’s keep begging(an intention) of the lord
KanyiLet's live in peace
KanyiLet's worship God
Kaobichimdi/ KobichimdiKobyA manifestation of how the heart of my God is
Kaobichimra/ KobichimraKobyA manifestation of the size of my God's heart
Kaobichukwume/ KobichukwumekobyLet the will of God/heart of God be done
Kaobimkenechi/ KobimkenechiKoby, Obim, KeneLet my heart thank God
Kaobimsiyochukwu/ Kobimsiyochukwu
KobyHow my heart asked of God/ My heart's desire
Kaobimtochukwu/ Kobimtochukwu
Obim, Kaobim, Koby, KobiLet my heart praise God
KasiemobiKasie, ObiComfort me/ Console me
Kelechi/Kenechi/Kenechukwu/KeneolisaKelly, Kene, Kay Kay,Kenny, OlisaPraise God/ Thank God
Kelenna/ KenennaKele/ KeneThank God
KenelumchukwuKenelumThank God for me
Kodilinye/ KodinnakodiliLet this child live for God
kosisochukwuKosyAs it pleases the lord
KwesikenachukwuKwesike, KwesiBelieve strongly in God
LotachukwuLota, LotachiRemember God
LotannaLota, NnaRemember the father/God
MadukaMadu, UkaPeople are worth more than riches
MmaduabuchukwuMmaduabuchi, AbuchiMan is not God
MunachimsoMuna, ChisomWalking with the lord
MuochukwudebemDebemMay the spirit of good keep/ preserve me
NachiIn God I live
NachikamdiNachi, KamdiI belong to God
NachukwukambiNachi, KambiI live in God
NaetochukwuNaeto, Tochukwu, Too TooKeep praising God
NchedochukwuNchedoGod’s protection
NdubuisiEn-Dee, NduLife is more important
NdukaEn-Dee, Ndu, UkaLife is more important
NdukakuEn-Dee, Ndu, AkuLife is more important than wealth
NdukweEn-Dee, NduHope/As long as there’s life
DinakachiMy life is in God's hands
NdumzoronachiZoro, NachiMy life is hidden in God
NebechiNebe, NebbyLooking up to God
Nkem, NasochiMine pleases God
NkennaKennaBelongs to the father (God)
NkennanyeremNkenna, NnanyeremThe one given to me by God
NkwachiNkwachiGod's promise
NnabuenyiNna, EnyiFather is great
NnabuifeNna, IfeFather is great
NnamdiNna, En-DeeMy father/ my God is alive
NnanyelugoUgo, NnaGod has given victory/honour
NwabuezeEze, Bueze, Nwa,A child is king
NwachimerezeEze, ChimerezeA child who God crowned King
NwachukwuChu Chu, Nwa, ChuksChild of God
Dinobi, ObichiA child in God's heart
NwaekerenduErenduThe child destined to live
Nwankpa/NwadinkpaDinkpa, Nwa,Very important child
NwaokochaOkochaChild of a fair man
NwokeochaOkeochaA fair boy/man
NwokeomaOkeomaA handsome man
NzubechukwuNzube, Zubby, Chuks, Chu ChuGod’s plan/God’s wish
Obarameze/ Chibarameze
EzeGod made me a king
ObiajuluObi, AjuluI am comforted or consoled/ My heart is at peace
ObidigboObi, ObidiExistence
ObiefunaObi, EfunaTolerance
ObimMy heart is comforted/ rests in God
DinachiMy heart belongs to God
Obim, KeneLet my heart thank God
ObimnaetochukwuObi, Naeto, TochukwuMy heart praises God
ObinnaObi, NnaHis father’s heart
ObiomaObiGood heart
ObioraObiHeart of the people
Obumnaeme/obumnaekeObumIt’s not my doing/making/
OderaOdyOnce God says/writes it (destiny cannot be changed)
OgadinmaOga, OgadiIt shall be well
OgonnaOgo, NnaFavour from God
OguguamakwaOguguaHe consoled me
OkaforOkaforMale child born on Afor market day
OkechukwuOkey, Chuks, Chu ChuBelongs to God
OkekeOkeyMale child born on Eke market day
Okem, SinachiMy share/ portion comes from God
OkezieKezz, Kezzie, EzzieHe has created/ allocated/ shared it well
OkonkwoOkoMale child born on Nkwo market day
OkoyeOkoMale child born on Oye Market day
OkwuchukwuOkwuchi, OkwyGod's word
Eloka, OlisaGod was very thoughtful
Emeka, OlisaGod has done well/ God did something great
MezieGod did me well/ Fixed me up well
OnuoraOnuMouth of the people/ Spokesperson for the people
OnyebuchiOnyi, BuchiNo man is God
OnyedikachukwuOnyi, Onyedi, Kachi, ChuksWho is like God?
OnyeisiOnyiThe first/ Winner/Champion
Onyeka/OnyekachiOnyiWho is greater than God?
OrahjimetochukwuJimeto, JimPeople praise God because of me
Osita/OsitadinmaOssyMay good things stay permanent
OtitoTaito, TitoPraise
Ozichukwu/ OzinnaOzzyMessage from God
SinobichukwuObi, Sinobi, NobbyFrom God’s heart
SobechukwuSobeFollow God
Sochikaima/ Sochikanyima
Sochi, Kanyima, KanyiIt's only God we know
SochimaSochi, ChimaOnly God knows
SochimamkpamSochimaOnly God knows my needs
BuchiMy God is the only God
Somadina/SomayinaSomaI shall not exist/ walk alone
Sombili/DumbiliBilly, Som Som, Dum DumStay/Live with me
Sometochukwu/DumetochukwuSometo, DumetoPraising God with me
Somkenechukwu/DumkenechukwuSomKay, DumKay, Kene, Somkene, Dumkene, Dum Dum, Chu Chu,Praise God with me
Somtochukwu/DumtochukwuSomto, Dumto, Too Too,Tochukwu,Praise God with me
SonnamaijemSonnaOnly God knows my journey
Buchi, SoyaOnly him is God
TobechukwuToby, Tobe, Chu chuStart Praising God
UbahsinachiUbah, SinachiWealth comes from God
UchechukwugaemezuUchechukwu, ChigaemeThe will/mind of God shall be done
Uchenna/UchechukwuUche, Urch, Ucheson, Nna, Che Che, Chu ChuThe wisdom of God/The will of God
UcheomaUche, Urch, Ucheson, Che CheGood sense/ good thoughts
UgoPride/ prestige/ Honour comes from God
UgwumsinachiSinachiMy honour comes from God
DinachiThere is gain in God
Uruka, NachiThere's greater gain in God
UsochiThe sweetness of God
NachiThere is more sweetness in God
UtonduUto, NduThe sweetness of life/ Life is sweet
UwajimetochiJimeto, JimThe world praise God because of me
UzochukwuUzo, Uzzy, Chu ChuGod’s path/Way
UzomaUzo, UzzyGood way
YadichimmaYadi, YaddieLet it be pleasing to God
YadilichukwuYadili, YadiLeave it for God
Yobanna/Yobachi/YobachukwuYobaAsk/beg God
ZamekpereZamAnswer my prayers
ZikoranachidiZik, ChidiShow the world that there is God
ZimchikachimZim, Kachi, Chika, ChikachiShow me a god who is greater than my God
Zimife/ ZiemifeZim, IfeShow me the light
ZimShow me a thing that is bigger than my God
ZimuzoZim, UzoShow me the way
ZinachidinduChidinduShow the world that God is alive
ZinachiShow that my God is alive

Were any names missed out? Please tell us, and their meanings too!

READ ALSO  Nigerian Baby Names: 230 Ijaw Names For Girls And Their Meanings

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7 years ago

Many good names here. Awesome! I have another name that I will like you to add on the list and it is “Chimzuruoke” meaning My God is complete.

7 years ago

Please add “Kodilinye”/ “Kodinna”

5 years ago

Add yagazie which means let it go well

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