Nigerian baby names: 320 Igbo names for girls and their meanings

Igbo kwenu!

Wondering what name to give your little Igbo princess? We are happy to help!

Whether you are an old soul and would prefer core Igbo names such as Obiageli; or you are in search of modern names such as Zioranachidinma, we’ve got it all covered. Our comprehensive and diverse list of over 300 traditional and modern, as well as unique, trendy and beautiful Igbo names for girls, has been specially curated for you.

First, a little background. The Igbo people are a majority tribe from the southeastern part of Nigeria. According to their traditional religion, there is a supreme God called ‘Chukwu’ (the great spirit), who is the creator of the world and everything in it; minor gods make sacrifices to him. Although a majority of Igbo’s are now christians, the belief in their traditional religion is still retained.

In naming children, the events/circumstances surrounding the child’s birth are all put into consideration. As the Igbo’s are also profoundly religious, most Igbo names have a ‘Chi’ (God) connotation.

Choose a name for your baby girl from our list below:

Igbo names for girls

AdaegoAda, EgoDaughter of wealth
AdaezeAda, DezeDaughter of a King/Princess
AdaibaAdaThe people's daughter/ Daughter of the people
AdakuAda, AkuDaughter born into wealth/ to bring wealth to the family
AdammaAda, MmaBeautiful daughter
AdannaAda, DannaHer father’s daughter
AdannayaAdannaHer father's daughter
AdanneAda, Nne NneHer mother’s daughter
AdaobiAda, Dobis, DobbyFirst daughter in the family compound (obi)
AdaolisaAdaGod’s daughter
AdaoraAda, DoraThe people’s daughter
AdaugoAda, UgoBeautiful daughter/Daughter of an eagle
Adauke/AdukeAduks, Kay KayDaughter of Uke (town in Anambra State)
Adaure/AdureAdaDaughter of Uruala (town in Imo State) / A beautiful daughter/ A daughter of pride/ A daughter born with joy
AhunnaAhu, NanaBody of her father
AkuabataAkuWealth has come in
AkuadaAku, AdaDaughter born into wealth/ to bring wealth to the family
AkwaugoUgoPrecious daughter
AmakaMaka, Amy, MakkyBeautiful/good
Amara/Amarachi/AmarachukwuAmy, Marachi, Rachy/RachisMercy/Mercy of God
AnwulichukwuAnwuliJoy of the lord
AnwulikaAnwuliMy joy is great/Joy is greater
ApunanwuApu, NanaPrecious girl/ beautiful girl/ not to be tainted by the sun
AzukaAzu, Zukky, ZukaConfidence/ Well experienced/ Confidence built from past experiences
BinyelumBinye, Nye NyeStay with me
BinyerechukwuBinyeStay with God
ChetachiChetaRemember God
ChiachogomnmaNmaGod has decorated me/ God has beautified me
ChiagozieAgozie, Gozie, Gozzy, Gor GorGod has blessed me
ChiamakaAmy, Maka, MakkyGod is beautiful/good
ChiamandaAmanda, MandyGod will not fail
Chiasoka Sokky, AsokaGod is too sweet
ChiazakamAzakam, ChiazaGod answered me well
ChiazokamAzokam, Chiazor, Chizzy, Kam KamGod saved me well
Chibarameze/ChimeremezeEze, Chimerem, ChibaramGod called/ made me a king
ChibinobimBinobi, Chiby, Bim BimGod dwells in my heart
ChibuifemIfem, ChibuGod is my light
ChibundoBundo, Chibu, NdoGod is my shelter
Chibuogwu/ ChibuoguChibu, Buu Buu, God is my medicine/ my strength/ my weapon
ChichetaramChetaram, ChetaGod remembered me
ChideraDera, Once God writes/says it (destiny can’t be changed)
Chideziri DeziriGod wrote my story (destiny) well
ChidiebereChidi, EbereGod is merciful
ChidinmaNma, Dinma, Chidi, Dee DeeGod is good
ChidiogoDiogo, Dee Dee, Chidi, Ogo, Gor GorGod is gracious
ChidumebiDumebi, Dum Dum, Mebi, ChidumGod lives with me/ God leads me in my daily life
ChiechezonamEchezona, ZonaDon't forget me lord
ChielotemChielo, Elo, Lotem, Lo LoGod has remembered me
ChigemezuChigemeGod will complete or perfect all things
ChigozieGozie, Gozzy, Gor GorBless me oh lord
ChijiokeChijy, Jioke, Cee JayGod is the custodian of all shares/ talents/ blessings
ChikairanyeluKaira, Nye Nye, ChikaWe’ve committed it to God/ In God’s hands
ChikamdabereDabere, DabbyI'm leaning on God
ChikamharidaKamharida, HaridaMay I not fail, lord
ChikaneleKaneleLooking up to God
Chikanene/ Chikanele/ ChikamneleKanene, Kanele, Kamnele, Nele, NeneIt's God we are looking up to/ I'm looking up to God
Chikanyima/ ChikaimaChika, Kaima, KanyiIt’s only God we know
ChikaodiliChikky, Chikason, Chiks, Chika, Kaodili, Koddy, DillyIt’s all up to God
ChikasimmaKasimmaGod is the best
ChikasirimobiKasiri, Kassy, ObiGod consoled me
ChikenyelumKenye, Nye Nye, ChikeGod gave me my portion
ChikumnakaChikumGod is carrying me in his hands
ChikwudolumChikwy, DolumMy God stood for me
ChilotemLo Lo, LotemRemember me oh lord
ChimagozielamAgozie, GozieMy God has blessed me
ChimalumeMalume, ChimaGod did well
Chimamanda/ Amanda, Mandy, My God will not fail/
ChimasokaAsokaMy God is too sweet
ChimbuchiBuchiMy God is God
ChimbusommaBuso, Buu Buu, Somma, NmaMy God is so beautiful
Chimdi/ChidiDee Dee My God is a living God/ is alive
ChimdiomimiChimdi, MimiMy God is mysterious
ChimdireDiireMy God is omnipotent
ChimdiutoDiutoMy God is sweet
ChimedaramobiChimedaram, Dara, ObiGod consoled me/comforted me
ChimeluogoChimelu/ OgoGod granted me a favour
ChimeremmaChimere, MmaGod has done something good
ChimeremoñuChimereGod made me happy/ joyous
ChimereyaMereya, Chimere, Reya, ChimeGod did it!
ChimerikaErikaMy God is big/ limitless
ChimezirimMezirimGod did me well/ fixed me up well
ChimezuruChime, ZuruGod completed the work he started
ChimfumnanyaFumnanya, Nanya, My God loves me
Chimkarifa/ChimkalifaKari, Karifa, KalifaMy God is greater than them
ChimkasiKasiMy God is the greatest
Chimkasimma/ ChimkachammaKasimma, Kachamma, Kassy, MmaMy God is the best
ChimkasiutoKasiuto, kasi, utoMy God is the sweetest
ChimkezirimKeziri, KezzMy God created me well
ChimkodinakaOdinaka, ChikodiIt's in the hands of my God
ChimleziemanyaLezieMay God take good care of me
ChimmaranmaMaranma, NmaMy God is beautiful
ChimnoraNoraAs long as my God is present/ in control, all shall be well
Chimsimchia/ ChimsirimchiaSiriMy God told me/ has given me a reason to laugh
ChimsonariSonari, Sor Sor, Narry, AryMy God is the sweetest
ChimuanyaMuanyaMy God is awake
ChimudinmaDinmaMy God is beautiful
ChimziteiheChimzi, ZiteMy God, send your light
ChimzuruokeZuruoke, ZuruMy God is complete
Chinaraekele/ChinaraekeneNara, Ekene, ChinaraMay God receive all the praise
Chinazaekpere/ChinasaNasa/Naza, Chinny, EkpereGod answers prayers
ChinazorNazor, ChinnyGod saves
ChineloChinny, Nelly, NeloGod thinks for me/ In God’s thoughts
ChinememmaChineme, NemeGod does good
Chinemerem / Chukwunemerem,Nemerem, NemeMy God will continue to do for me
ChinenyeNenye, Nye Nye ChinnyGod gives
ChinonsoNor Nor, NonsoGod is near
ChinuruekperemChinuru, Nuru, EkperemGod heard my prayers
ChinwenduWendy, Chinwe, ChinnyLife belongs to God
Chinweotito/ ChinwekeneChinwe, Ekene, Kene, Kenny, OtitoAll praise belong to God
ChinyeakaNye NyeGod help me
Chinyere/ChinyeluNye Nye, ChinnyGod’s gift/ God has given me
ChiomaOmaGood God!
ChisimbiriSimbyGod says I shall live
ChisimdiSimdyGod says I shall live
ChisimñuriaChisim, ñuriaGod says I shall rejoice/ God gave me a cause to celebrate
ChisomSommy, Som Som, God is with me
ChisombiriSombiriGod lives with me
Chizaramekpere / OzaramZara, ChizzyGod answered my prayers/ God granted my request
ChizimuzorZimuzor, Uzor, Zim ZimGod show me the way
ChizirimuzoZiri, Chizzy, UzoGod showed me the way/ God directed my path
Chizitelu/Chizitere/Chizitel/ChizitaluZee Zee, Zitel, Zita, ChizzySent from God/ God’s gift/ God-sent
ChizuaZua Zua, ChizzyMay God nuture/supply my needs
ChizurumZurum, ChizzyGod is sufficient for me
ChizuteremChizu, ZutereGod met me at the point of my need
ChukwubuzoChibuzo, Chibby, UzoGod is First/God is the Way
ChukwumeziauzoMezia, Mezy, UzoGod, straighten my path
Daberechi/DaberechukwuDabby, Dabz, Dabere, BereLean on God
DaluchiDalu, LuchiThank God
EgoamakaEgo, AmakaMoney is good/ beautiful
EjimetochukwuJimetoPeople praise God because of me
EkpereamakaAmaka, EkperePrayer(or praying) is good/beautiful
EkperezoromEkperePrayer saved me
EkwutosiEkwy, EkwytosDo not speak bad about me/ condemn me
ErinmaNmaA child of beauty and great prospects
EsimnachibiaEsimnachi, NachiI came from God
EtomchukwuEtomchiI praised God for what he did
EziamakaEzzy, Amy, Makky, AmakaGood things are obtained by going out
EzichiEzzyGood God!
EzichimEzzyMy good God
EziheEzzyA good thing
EzinneZinny, Ezzy, Nne NneGood mother
EzinwanyiEzzyGood woman
Febechukwu/ FebechiFeechiWorship God
GinikaGinnyWhat is greater?
GinikachukwuGinnyWhat is greater than God? What is too big for God?
GinikanwaNwa, GinnyWhat is greater than a child?
HaluchiLuchiLeave it for God
IfeatuIfeA thing of reference/ example
IfechiluruIfechiWhat God has done
IfechimamandaIfechim, AmandaThe light God has given me shall not go dim
IfechukwuIfeLight of God
IfedikachiakonamIfedi, ChiakonamMay I never lack the presence of God in my life
IfedimmaIfe, DimmaSomething good
Ifekerenma/ IhekerenmaKerenma, NmaBeautifully created
IfemyolunnaYolunna, IfeWhat I asked of God/ What I prayed for
IfeomaOma, IfyA good thing
IfeyinwaNwa, IfyNothing can be compared to a child
IfunanyaNanya, IfuLove
IhedimmaDimmaA good thing
Ihuaku/ IruakuIhuakuThe face of wealth
IhuomachukwuIhuoma, OmaGod’s Favour
IjeaweleAwele, IjeSmooth journey
IjebusommaBusomma, Somma, Ije My Journey is/ was beautiful
IjechikammaIjechiA journey with God is the best
IjemabalumIjemMy journey brought me gain
IjemmaIje, MmaGood journey/ My Journey was worthwhile/ Going out brought me something good
IjeomaIje, OmaFarewell
Iruoma/IhuomaIru, OmaFavoured
IsiomaIssy, OmaFortunate/blessed/ Goodluck
Iyorachi/ IyorachukwuIyora, YoraOnce you ask God for something, he answers/ Ask and you shall receive
JachinmaJachyGlorify my God/ Hail God for his goodness
JenetanachidimmaJeneta, ChidimmaTaste and see that the lord is Good
JeweluchioziJeweluchi, JewelDo God's work/ God's messenger
KachimraKachy, ChimraThe size of my God
KachisiemeamakaSieme, KachisiemeThe deeds/ acts of God are beautiful
Kaefeechukwu/ KamfeechukwuKaefee, Kaeffy, KamfeeLet’s worship God/ Let me praise God
Kaineneolisa/KainenechukwuNene, Kainene, KaineLet’s look unto God
KairaluchukwuKaira, Khyra, Ral, RaluLet’s choose God/ Let’s leave it for God
KairamarachukwuKairaAs we know God/ The lot of us who know God
KaisoluchukwuKaiso, SoluLet’s follow God
KamarachimdiKamara, ChimdiHow great is my God's grace
KamarachizuoroanyiKamara, AmaraLet the grace of God be sufficient for us
KamaranachimdiKamara, ChimdiLet the world know that my God is alive
KambiliKam Kam, BiliLet me live/ I shall live
KambirinachiKambiri, NachiLet me live in God
KamharidaHaridaI shall not fall
KammarachiMarachiLet me know God
kamsichorKamsiHow I wanted it/ My wish
Kamsiyochukwu/ KamsiyonnaKamsi, Kam kam, SiyonnaAs I asked God, so he answered/ God granted my request
Kamtochukwukamto, Kam Kam, TochukwuLet me praise God
Kandibe/ KamdibeKandiMy consolation/ Let me be consoled
KanebinudoKanebi, KynebiLet's live in peace
Let's live in peace
KanyidirinachikanyidiriLet us live/be in God
KanyiñuliaNulia, KanyiLet’s rejoice
Kaodizerachi Kaodi, ZerachiLeave it in the hands of God
KaomasirichiMasiri, OmasiriAs it pleased God
KaraluchukwuRaluchi, Luchi, KaraLet’s leave it for God
Kasarachi/ KasarachukwuKasara, Kassy, Sara, RachiTell it to God
KasiemobiKassy, KasieComfort me/ Console me
KesanduKessSpread life to all
KetanduKetaYou shall live/ You shall have abundant life
KiriemmachukwuKirie, Kiriemma, MmachukwuAdmire the beauty of God
Kora, KaoraLet the world/ people see the goodness of God
Kosarachi/ KosaluchiRachis, Sara, KossyTell it to God
KosisochukwuKosi, KosisoAs it pleases God
KosoluchiKosoluAs it pleases God
KosoluchukwuKosoluAs God pleases
LebechiLebeLook unto God
Lotachi/LotachukwuLotaRemember your God
MakuachukwuMakuaEmbrace God
MkpulunmaNmaA seed/ thing of beauty
MkpuruomachiMkpuruoma, OmaGod's beautiful seed
MmachimeremMmachiThe beauty God bestowed on me
MmachukwuMmaBeauty of God
MmasichukwuMmasiWill of God
MmasinachiMma, Sinachi, SinachBeauty comes from God
MmerisinachiMmeri, SinachiVictory comes from God
Mmesomachukwu/NmesomachukwuMmeso, MimiGod’s goodness
MukaosoluKaosoluPleasing to me
MunachimsoMuna, MunachiI am walking with my God
NachukwukambiKambi, NachyI live in God
Nchekwube/ChekwubeChekwube, ChekwusHope/ Trust in God
NdidiDee Dee, NdyPatience
NdidiamakaNdidiIt's good to be patient
NefechiNefe, FechiKeep worshipping God
NesochiNeso, SochiFollow God
NgoziNgor, En-GeeBlessing
NgozikaNgor, En-GeeGreat blessing
NjidekaNjy, Deka, Jide, NjideA bird in the hand/ Survival
Nkechinyere(m)Kech, En-kay, Nye NyeThe one given to me by God
Nkemdilim/ NkemakonamEn-Kay, Nkem, DillyMay what is mine be mine
NkemjikaEn-kay, NkemWhat I have is greater
NkemyochukwuNkemThe one I asked God for
NkennaKennaBelongs to the father (God)
NkennanyeremNkenna, NnanyereThe one given to me by my father (God)
Nkiruka/ NkeirukaEn-Kay, Kiki, IrukaGreater things are ahead/ The future is bright
NkolikaNkoli, En-kayPeace/ Dialogue is better than war
NkwachiNkwachiGod's promise
NneamakaAmy, Makky, Amaka, NneMother(hood) is beautiful
NnebuifeNne, bubu, IfeMother(hood) is great
NnediNne, Nne Nne, NeddyMother(hood) is beautiful
NnekaNne, Eka, NekkyMother(hood) is great
NnekasiKasiMother(hood) is the greatest
NnennaNne, Nne Nne, NennaHer father’s mother
NneomaNne, Oma, NeneGood mother
NonyelumNor Nor, NonyeStay with me
Nwabundo/ NwandoBundoA child is a shield (or a resting place) / A child brings peace of mind
NwabuonaOnaA child is gold
NwadiutoUto, Diuto, UtonwaA child is sweet/ Sweet child
NwamarabiaMara, Nwamara, MarabiaThe child came at the right time
NwasinachiSinachiA child comes from God/ A child who came from God
ObiageliObyBorn to win/ born into wealth
ObialunanmaNma, Oby, NanmaBorn/ arrived in the midst of plenty
ObianujuUjunwa, Uju, ObyBorn/ arrived in the midst of plenty
ObiomaOma, ObiGood heart
Odigomma/ OdiwommaOdigoThings are good now/ my situation has improved
OdinakachukwuOdinaka, Ody, Dee DeeIn the hands of God
OdirachukwummaOdy, Dee Dee, OdiraAs long as it pleases God
OgechukwuOge, OgechiGod’s time is the best
OgochimereOgo, ChimereGod’s favour
OgochukwuOgoGod’s favour
OgonnaOgoGod’s favour
OkwuchiOkwyGod’s word
Olachi/OlachukwuOlaGod’s pearl/jewel
Olaedo/ OnaedoOla, OnaGold/ Precious
OlanmaOla, NmaBeautiful pearl
Oluchi/OluchukwuOlyWork of God
OluebubeOly, EbubeMiracle
OmasirichiOma, SiriIt pleased God
OnonujuUjuThe one in the midst of plenty
OñumsinachiSinachiMy joy comes from God
Onyinye/OnyinyechiOnyi, Nye NyeGod’s gift
OnyinyeomaOnyinye, OmaGood gift
OrahjimetochukwuJimeto, JimPeople praise God because of me
OsoluchiSoluchi, OsoluIt pleased God
OsorachukwuOsora, SoraAs it pleases God
OzinnaZinna, Ozzy, ZinnyMessage from the father
OziomaOma, OzzyGood message/news
Committed into Gods hands
Rapuluchukwu RapuluLeave it for God
SochikaimaKaima, SochiIt’s only God we know
SochukwudumebiDumebiOnly God accompanies me in my daily life
SofuchiSofuThere's only one God
Solum, Golibe
Rejoice with me
SoluzochukwuSolu, UzochukwuFollow the way of God
SomadinaAdina, SommyI shall not exist alone
SomtochukwuSomtoPraise God with me
Sopuruchi/SopuruchukwuSopuruHonour/ respect God
UdodirimUdoPeace be unto me
UgonmaUgo, NmaA beautiful eagle
UgonnaUgoHer father's eagle / Her father's pride
UgonwaUgo, NwaEagle child
UkamakaAmakaDialogue is good / Church or religion is good (especially given to girls born on a Sunday)
UloakuAkuHouse of wealth
UlomaUlomaGood house
UrennaUre, RennaHer father's pride
Utochi/UtodinachiUto, UtodiSweetness of God/ There is sweetness in God
UzoamakaUzo, Uzzy, Amaka, MakkyBeautiful path/way
YagazieGazie, Zee ZeeLet things go well/ It shall be well with you
ZamekpereZamAnswer my prayer
ZelunjoZeluAvoid sin/ Do good
Zienachimdinma Ziena, ChimdinmaSpread the news that my lord is good.
ZieozichiOzichi, ZieoziSpread God's message/ Be an evangelist
ZifanaibuchimZifa, ibuchim, BuchiShow them that you are my God
ZikachihaKachiShow the greatness of God
Zikora, Ebube
Show the world the glory of God
ZikoraifechinemeZikora, NemeLet the world see the lord's doing
ZikoraifenkechukwuZikoraShow the world the light of God
ZikorammachukwuZikora, Ziora, Zee ZeeShow the world the goodness/beauty of God
Zikoranachidinma/ZioranachidinmaZikora, Ziora, Zee Zee, DinmaShow the world that the Lord is good
Zikoranaibuchukwu/ZikoranaibuchiZikora, Ziora, Zee Zee, BuchiShow the world that you are God
ZimuzochiZimuzo, UzochiShow me the way of God
ZinachidinmaZina, Zinny,DinmaShow that the Lord is good
ZinachimdimmaZina, ChidimmaShow that my God is good
ZinachimdinduZina, Chimdindu, DinduShow the world that my God is alive
ZinachimereChimere, ZinaShow the world that God did it
ZioraifechukwuZiora, IfechukwuShow the world the light of God
ZirachiZiraAsk/ send God to do anything for you, and he will
READ ALSO  Nigerian baby names: Idoma names for boys

Were any names missed out? Please tell us, and their meanings too!

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8 years ago

Mmasichukwu………..Mmasi….. Will of God
Somtochukwu…….Somto……Praise God with me

7 years ago

Nwamarabia – the child came at the right time

7 years ago

Chukwunemerem, My God will continue to do for me

Uzoma, Good way( boys version of uzoamaka)

Adaeze Felix
Adaeze Felix
7 years ago

chikwudolum”………..My God stood for me

7 years ago

Erinma: A child of beauty and great prospects

7 years ago

Erinma: A child of beauty and great prospects.

7 years ago

so wonderful a site,will share on twitter

7 years ago

Ijebusomma………. Busom, Somma, Ije ………. My Journey is beautiful

7 years ago

Chukwubuzo……”God is First/God is the Way” Short form….Chibuzo…Chibby…Uzo

Chukwumeziauzo….”God, straighten my path” Short form….Mezia…Mezy…Uzo

7 years ago

Nachukwukambi – I live in God

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