Nigerian Baby Names: 180 Yoruba names for boys and their meanings

Looking for a modern name like Iteoluwakiishi, Oluwafifehansimi, or do you prefer a traditional name like Ademola? Whatever your taste, we have the perfect name for your little Yoruba prince.

According to Yoruba custom, the Yoruba people – a majority ethnic group from Southwestern and North Central Nigeria (and also Southern and Central Benin), name their children 7 days after their birth.

In the past, this name would be chosen after divination is performed by a group of Babalawos (traditional Ifa priests) to find a name that indicates the destiny of the child. In recent times however, names come from parents, grandparents or next of kin; chosen in accordance with the circumstances surrounding the child’s birth.

Oríkì (praise poetry) names are also common in Yoruba culture. These are attributive names parents give to their children, to express the pride the child has brought to the family, or to evoke admirable traits  believed to be innate in the child by pedigree.

As Yoruba parents are becoming more creative with names, our list comprises traditional, unique, modern, and trendy names, and some sentences too!

Make your choice below:

Yoruba Names For Boys

AbimbolaBimboBorn into wealth
AbiodunAbbeyBorn in a festive period
AbiolaBiolaWealth has been born
AbioyeOyeBorn into royalty
AbitoluwaAbi, ToluBorn as God's own
AdebayoBayoThe crown has met with joy
AdebimpeBimpeThe Crown is complete
AdebisiBisiWe added to the crown.
AdebolaBolathe crown meets with wealth
AdebowaleDeboThe crown has come home
AdeboyeBoyeThe crown has brought title
AdedamolaDamolaThe crown has mixed with wealth
AdedayoDayoThe crown has turned to joy
AdedejiDejiThe crown has become two
AdegokeAdeThe crown has been exalted
AdekolaKola, AdeThe crown brings wealth
AdekunleKunleCrowns have filled the house
AdelajaLajaThe King settled this fight
AdelekeLeke, AdeThe crown stays above
AdelomoDelomoA child is a crown
AdelowoOlowo, AdeThe crown has honour
AdemolaDemolaThe crown knows wealth
AdeniyiNiyi, AdeThe crown has honour
AdenreleDenreleThe crown is going home
AdenugaAdeThe crown owns the palace
AdepojuPojuMany crowns
AdesojiSojiThe crown is revived
AdesolaSolaCrown makes wealth
AdetokunboTokunboThe crown arrived from over the sea
AdetolaTolaA crown is worth the same as wealth
AdewaleWaleThe crown has come home
AdewunmiWunmiI love the crown
AdeyemiYemiI am befitting of the crown
AdeyinkaYinkaI am surrounded by the crown
AfolabiFolaBorn into wealth
AkandeAkandeFirst born
AkinkunmiAkinI am full of valour
AkintoyeAkin, ToyeStrength is all I need
AkinwaleAkin, WaleStrength has come home
AkinyemiAkin, YemiValour befits me
AlabaAlabaSecond child after twins
AnjolaoluwaAnjolaWe are enjoying the goodness of the Lord
AnuoluwapoAanuGod is merciful
AraloluwaAraoluwaGod of wonders
AraoluwakiitanAraoluwaThe Wonders of the Lord never ends
AremoAremoFirst male child of a king/ Heir to the throne
AremuAremuFirst male child
AyanfeoluwaAyanfeGod's beloved
AyobamiAyoJoy meets with me
AyobintanAyoJoy gave birth to this
AyodeleDeleJoy has come home
AyomideAyoMy joy has arrived
Ayomiposi AyoMy joy has increased
AyoolaAyoThe joy of wealth
AyooluwaAyoThe joy of the lord
AyooluwakiitanAyooluThe joy of the lord never ends
AyorinsolaSola, AyoJoy walked into wealth
AyowumiAyoI love joy
BabalolaLolaFather is wealth
Babatunde/BabajideTunde/JideThe return of the father
BabawaleWaleThe arrival of the father
BamideleDeleFollow me home
BayiloluwatoBayiThis is how great the Lord is
BikoseoluwaBikoseIf not for God
BoluwatifenisolaTifeGod handles his grace/goodness as he pleases
BoluwatitololaeTitoGod's goodness/grace is as big/mighty as he is
DiekoolaoluwatimojogunOlaoluwa I inherited plenty of God's wealth
DurodolaDuroWait for wealth
EbunoluwaEbunGod's gift
Eniobafe EniobafeThe one the King loves
EniolaEni A person of wealth
ErioluwapeErioluwaGod's testimony is perfect
EyitayoTayoSufficient cause for joy
EyitomilayoAyo, TomiThis is enough for me to rejoice
FiyinfoluwaFiyin, FoluGive praise/ prestige to God
IbukunoluwaIbukunBlessing of God
IdowuIdowuBorn after a set of twins
IfedayoDayoLove brings joy
IfeoluwaIfeGod's love
IgbayinniayomisesebeYomiMy joy has just begun
IlerioluwaIleriGod's promise
InioluwaIniGod's heritage
IreoluwaIreGod's goodness
IretioluwaIretiGod's hope
IseoluwaIseWord of God
IteoluwakiishiIteoluwaThe throne of God never fades/ cannot be moved
IyanuoluwaIyanuGod's praise
IyinoluwaIyinThe prestige that comes with wealth
JesufikunayomiFikunayoJesus added to my joy
Jesufiolawemi OlawemiJesus bathed me with wealth
JesulobaObaJesus is king
JesuloluwaJesuloluwaJesus is Lord
MasesoMasesoBe fruitful
MobolajiBolajiI woke up with wealth
MobolarinwaBolarinwaI walk with wealth
MosadioluwaMosadiI ran to God to shield me
MotosinoluwaSinoI am capable of serving God
ObaloluwaObaJesus is King
ObanlaniJesuObaJesus is a great King
OgooluwaOgoGlory of God
OjumirayoAyoMy eyes see joy
OkanlanwonOkanOnly male child
OladayoDayoWealth turns to joy
OlafimihanOla, FimiWealth has revealed me/ Wealth shows me off
OladimejiDimejiWealth has doubled
OlamideOlaMy wealth has arrived
OlamilekanLekanMy wealth is greater
OlamiposiOlaMy wealth has increased
OlanrewajuLanreMy wealth is in the future/going forward
Olaoluwadotun DotunGod's wealth is renewed
OlaoluwatayoTayoGod's wealth/riches sprung forth
OlaoluwatomijogunTomiThe wealth of God is enough inheritance for me
OlasupoOlaWealth comes together
OludemiladeDemiladeGod has crowned me
OlufemiFemiGod Loves me
OlujimiJimiGift from god
OlukayodeKayodeGod brings happiness
OlusesanSesanGod has rewarded me
OluwabamigbeBamigbeGod is living with me
OluwabunkunmiBunkunmiBless me oh lord
OluwadabiraninuayemiYemiGod performed wonders in my life
OluwadamilareDamilareVindicate me oh lord/ God vindicated me
OluwadamilolaDamilolaGod makes me wealthy
OluwadaramisiDaraGod is good to me
OluwadaraolafunmiOlafunmiGod blessed me wonderfully
OluwademiladeolaDemiladeGod crowned me with wealth
OluwadetanDetanGod has finally arrived
OluwadumininuDuminiGod made me happy
OluwadunsinDunsinGod is worthy of our adoration
OluwadurotimiRotimiGod is with me
OluwaferanmiFeranmiGod loves me
OluwafeyikemiFeyiGod has used this to pamper me
OluwafeyisayomiFeyi,YomiGod made this my joy
OluwafifehansimiFifehanmiGod showed me love
OluwafifekemiFifeGod has surrounded me with love
OluwafikayomiFikayomi, YomiGod had added to my joy
OluwafikunfemiFemiGod has added more love to my love
OluwafisayomiFisayoGod added to my joy
OluwafolajimiFola, JimiGod has blessed me with wealth
OluwagbengaGbengaGod lifted me up
OluwagbohunmiGbohunmiGod heard me
OluwagbotemiGbotemiGod has heard me/ God hears me
OluwajomilojuJomiGod is awesome
OluwajuedaloEdaloGod is bigger than human
OluwakanyinsolaSolaGod has added sweetness to my wealth
OluwakayodeKayodeThe Lord has brought joy
OluwakoredeKoredeThe Lord has brought goodies
OluwaleWaleWealth has arrived
OluwanifemiFemiGod loves me
OluwanimodurotiDurotiI stood with God
OluwansebebeninuayemiYemiGod is doing wonders in my life
OluwapamilerinPamilerinGod has made me to laugh
OluwarotimiRotimiGod lives with me
OluwasayomipeSayomipeGod perfected my joy
OluwasegunSegunGod has been victorius
OluwasegunotafunmimoyoninureSegunGod conquer the enemy for me and I rejoice in him
OluwasemiloreSemiGod did good to me
OluwaseunSeunThanks be to God
OluwaseunbabarafunmiSeunGod has done a wondrous/ miraculous thing for me
OluwaseunbabaralaiyemiSeunThe Lord did a big thing in my life
Oluwaseyi SeyiGod made this/ God did this
OluwaseyifunmiSeyiGod has done this for me
OluwatimileyinLeyin, TimiGod is my back bone
Oluwatisetemilasepe TemiThe Lord has perfected all that is mine
OluwatobiTobiGod is great
OluwatofunmiFunmiGod is sufficient for me
OluwatomisonaTomiThe Lord guides my path
OluwatoniToniGod is sufficient for me
OluwatoosabaOsabaGod is enough to run to (for rescue)
OluwatoromoToromoGod is good to rely on.
OluwatosinTosinGod is worthy to be served
OluwatoyinToyinGod is worthy to be praised
OluwayemisiYemisiGod honours me
OmobolanleBolanleA child that met wealt at home
OpeyimiOpe, YemiI should be grateful
Oyebanji/OyebamijiBanjiTitle awakens me
OyediranDiranTitle is hereditary
OyelakinAkinTitle is valour
OyelowoWoleTitle commands respect
OyindamolaDamolaHoney is mixed with wealth
SijuadeAdeEyes on the crown
SijuwolaOlaEyes on wealth
Taiwo/TaiyeTaiwo/TaiyeOlder of a set of twins
TemitopeTopeMy circumstances are worth thanking God for
TitobilioluwaTitoGod is big/great
ToluwanimiToluI belong to God
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Were any names missed out? Please tell us, and their meanings too!

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7 years ago

the interpretations are whack!

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