What’s your baby up to?
Your baby has grown some more since last week. He is now about 13cm long from crown to rump, and weighs around 150g, about the size of a pear. He has grown eyebrows and eyelashes, and his ears are now in their right position.
His body has grown bigger and caught up with the size of head such that the proportion of his body to the head has evened out.
Your baby’s skin is still thin, transparent and wrinkled, as he is only beginning to accumulate fat which will play a role in body heat generation and metabolism. As he continues to accumulate fat for the rest of the pregnancy, his skin will eventually smoothen out. Your baby’s sweat glands are also developing.
Your baby’s skeleton continues to harden, and he is actively moving, kicking and playing around.
How are you doing?
Are you having swelling in your feet, legs, ankles, or fingers? The pressure your growing uterus puts on blood vessels may slow down circulation and trap blood in pools. The pressure from this pool of blood can cause fluid leaks from your capillaries into the tissues around hands and legs, thereby leading to swelling.
As your uterus expands, and the ligaments continue to stretch, some moms may start to feel pains by the sides of their lower abdomen. This is known as round ligament pain.
Your center of gravity shifts as your belly increases, making you feel out of balance for the most part.
Some women also experience dry eye syndrome, where the eyes are very dry and sometimes itchy.
What should you do this week?
Though round ligaments pains are common around this time, it is safer to report any pain you are having to your doctor just to be sure. Better safe than sorry right?
If you feel out of balance, it is best to wear low heeled shoes or flats to avoid the risk and danger of falling.
Your bump is growing, and so is your appetite. Be sure to eat the healthy and nutritious foods for the sake of your sweet little baby.
If you wear contact lenses they may have become very uncomfortable. Eye glasses might be a better option now, until you put to bed. To relieve dry eyes, avoid staring at a computer screen for extended periods, and also massage your eyelids from time to time.
Reduce swelling by avoid standing or sitting for long periods. Also try to put up your legs whenever you can.
Finally, stay informed, healthy and inspired, by reading  Maternity Nest. Connect with other moms-to-be for moral support, by joining your Due Date Club in the The Nest.