It might sound ridiculous to be told to stay calm while in great pain, but believe this - Staying calm is key in dealing with the pains of labour. During labour, your body produces different hormones. The most important is oxytocin. This is the hormone which brings on the contractions and keeps them regular. It…
Labour and Delivery
My birth story: It all started with a trickle
It was in the middle of a very heated argument with the hubby when I felt a trickle run down my legs. Was it pee? Was it my water breaking? I didn't know which was which or what was what, as too many fluids had been leaking of late during heightened emotions (late trimester struggle). Well…
Mom Blasts People Who Think A Caesarean Section Is An Easier Birthing Option
For some reason, some people believe the true test of motherhood is the ability to push out a baby through the vagina. A caesarean delivery is seen as taking the easy way out, not minding that there are certain situations that necessitate a c-section; a major life-threatening surgical procedure at that. It was to such people that a Missouri mum…
“I do not want to feel a human come through my vagina.” Keshia Knight-Pulliam gets candid about her birthing preferences
Most moms-to-be, though they can't wait to meet their little ones, get very worried and anxious about the pangs of labour. Thankfully, science has made it possible for women to receive medication that can make the experience less painful. Still, some mothers prefer to have a natural birth totally devoid of any form of drugs. Keshia Knight-Pulliam…
Can eating date fruit make labour easier? Here are the facts
Every pregnant woman is concerned about the well-being of her child, and as a result would want to eat only what is safe. Is it safe to eat dates during pregnancy? It's always a good idea to get your doctor's opinion, but dates are generally thought to be safe. The sweet fruit with the botanical name Phoenix dactilifera,…
“My Pregnancy and birth story in Nigeria!” – Sisi Yemmie
You just have to love Sisi Yemmie. She is so real and hilarious. The lifestyle blogger who blogs at shared her Nigerian pregnancy and birth story on her YouTube channel. From the surprise of finding out she was pregnant, to her pregnancy symptoms  and a dramatic labour, all delivered in true Sisi Yemmie style, you won't know whether…