What's your baby up to? Your baby keeps adding weight and smoothing out every passing day. He now weighs about 1.7kg and measures around 42 cm from head to toe. He now has fully grown fingernails and toenails, and is growing real hair on his head. He is storing iron, calcium and phosphorus in his body. His…
Pregnancy Week 31
What's your baby up to? Your baby now weighs in at about 1.50kg and measures around 41cm long from head to toe. He is moving a lot and can turn his head from side to side. Your baby’s brain continues to develop fast, creating neural connections which helps your baby coordinate his five senses. Your little one is now…
Pregnancy week 30
What's your baby up to? Your baby now measures around 39.9cm from head to toe, and weighs around 1.31kg, about the size of a large cabbage. His brain continues to develop rapidly, forming grooves and folds which allow for future expansion of brain tissues. Your baby’s lungs are developing, but not yet fully mature for life outside the…
Pregnancy Week 29
What's your baby up to? Your baby's main developments are complete, all he does in the third trimester is grow stronger and healthier. He now weighs about 1.15kg and measures around 38.6cm long from head to toe, and will continue to plump up as the weeks go by. He is now adding about half a…
Pregnancy Week 28
What's your baby up to? Your baby now weighs about 1kg and measures about 37.6cm long from head to toe. The hair on his scalp, eyebrows, and eyelashes continue to grow. Your little one keeps putting on fat, and his muscle tone is much developed by now. In fact, your baby looks every inch like a newborn. Your…
Pregnancy Week 27
What's your baby up to? Your baby is growing rapidly and piling on the extra pounds. He now weighs about 875g (almost 2 pounds) and measures around 36.6cm long from head to toe. Your baby has been practicing how to breathe, so if he were born now, there would be an 85 percent chance of survival…
Pregnancy Week 26
What's your baby up to? Your little nugget now weighs about 760g and measures around 35.6cm long from head to toes, about the length of your forearm. You baby's brain and nervous system continue to develop rapidly. The sense of hearing is much more advanced and he can recognize your voice and also react to any sudden or loud…
Pregnancy Week 25
What's your baby up to? Your baby is very active and now tips the scales at about 660g, and measures around 34.6cm from head to toe. The wrinkled skin is beginning to smoothen out and getting more opaque as more fat is being stored up in his body. The nostrils, which were previously plugged, are now…
Pregnancy Week 24
What's your baby up to? Your baby now measures about 30cm long from head to toe, the length of a standard ruler and weighs around 600g. He's considered viable from this week, meaning that if born now, he will have 50 percent chance of surviving; though with a lot of help in the neonatal unit.…
Pregnancy Week 23
What's your baby up to? Your baby is gearing up for a growth spurt. He will double his weight over the next 4 weeks. Now, he weighs about 500g and measures around 28.9cm from head to toe. His fingerprints and footprints continue to form. Your baby still gets his oxygen from the placenta. His lungs are…
Pregnancy week 22
What's your baby up to? Your baby now weighs almost one pound (430g) and measures around 27cm from head to toe, about the size of a pawpaw. Your baby's muscles are more developed and he is more active. His inner ears are fully formed, his lips eyelids and eyebrows are more discernible. His lungs, liver, kidneys…
Pregnancy Week 21
What's your baby up to? Your baby weighs around 350g and measures around 26.7cm from head to toe, about the length of a carrot. Length measurements from now on are from head to toe, and not crown to rump, because your baby's legs have straightened out. Your little one's body is now covered with lanugo. Your…
Pregnancy Week 20
Congratulations Mom-to-be! You’ve reached the pregnancy half-way mark! How exciting! What's your baby up to? Your baby now measures around 16.4cm long from crown to rump, about the length of a banana, and weighs about 300g. Your baby is very active and kicking up a storm. He can also swallow and get hiccups too. You might have felt…
Pregnancy Week 19
What's your baby up to? Your baby measures about 15cm long and weighs around 240g, about the size of a large mango. The arms and legs have grown proportionate to the body. Your baby's brain continues to develop, and specialize. There are now areas for the sense of smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. A waxy coating  known as…
Pregnancy Week 18
What's your baby up to? Your baby is really growing fast. This week, he measures about 14.2cm from crown to rump and weighs about 190g, that's about the size of a bell pepper. His hearing is much sharper than before and he can even startle at loud noises. Your baby is quite active and practices his…
Pregnancy Week 17
What's your baby up to? Your baby has grown some more since last week. He is now about 13cm long from crown to rump, and weighs around 150g, about the size of a pear. He has grown eyebrows and eyelashes, and his ears are now in their right position. His body has grown bigger and caught up with…
Pregnancy Week 16
What's your baby up to? Your baby is now about the size of an avocado, measuring about 11.5 cm long from crown to rump, and weighing around 100 g. Your baby is so active. He is moving and kicking, making sucking motions with his mouth and even putting on some reflex facial expressions. Your baby's skin is still…
Pregnancy Week 15
What's your baby up to? Your baby is now about the size of an orange, measuring 10 cm long from crown to rump and weighing about 70 g. Around this time, the bones of the inner ear are hardening, and your baby's hearing is much developed; although his ears have not moved to their final position. He…
Pregnancy Week 14
What's your baby up to? This week, your baby is about the size of a lemon, weighing about 43g and measuring about 8.7cm from crown to rump. Your baby’s facial features are well developed, and his neck is also formed. Your baby's skin is still translucent, his blood vessels and bones are clearly visible through his skin. Your…
Pregnancy Week 13
What's your baby up to? Welcome to the 2nd trimester. Your baby is now growing very rapidly,  weighing about 25 g and measuring about 7.4 cm from crown to rump, about the size of a peach. Your baby's head is half the size of the whole body, but the body is growing to catch up with the head.…