How breathing and relaxation can help you cope with labour pain

It might sound ridiculous to be told to stay calm while in great pain, but believe this – Staying calm is key in dealing with the pains of labour.

During labour, your body produces different hormones. The most important is oxytocin. This is the hormone which brings on the contractions and keeps them regular. It controls the frequency, length and strength of your contractions.

Your body also releases natural pain relief hormones called endorphins to help you cope with your contractions. The benefits of this ‘feel-good hormone’ can only be reaped if you remain calm.

Anxiety, tension and fear will only make your body produce more adrenaline, the ‘fight-or-flight hormone’.

Did you know that high adrenaline levels slow down the production of oxytocin?

This works against the efficiency of your contractions, thereby making your labour more irregular or even slower. On the other hand, when you are relaxed, your body opens up and allows your baby to descend through the birth canal.

The best way to stay calm is to breathe during contractions, and relax in-between contractions.

Each contraction lasts for about 30-45 seconds in early labour, 45-60 seconds in active labour, and 60-90 seconds in the later stage (transition stage). To help you cope with this one minute of intense pain, focus on deep and rhythmic breathing.

This is a breathing technique where you take in a deep breath through your nose and blow out slowly through your mouth. Start at the beginning of your contraction and keep on till the contraction is over. Breathing fast or screaming doesn’t help you stay calm at all.

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Other tips for staying calm

  • Music: Listen to any kind of music that makes you calm.
  • Hydrotherapy: Warm water works wonders. You can take a warm bath in early labour, or have a water birth if possible. It’s important that the water is not too hot as this can increase your heart rate.
  • Massage: Let your husband, mother or whoever is your birth partner give you a nice massage on your lower back.
  • Aromatherapy: Some safe oils such as lavender, clary sage, or ginger are said to reduce fear and anxiety.
  • Your mindset. Use positive affirmations to empower yourself during birth. Ride the waves of each contraction knowing that each one brings you one step closer to meeting your baby.

Some of the most common positive affirmations women use to encourage themselves during birth are:

“I am a strong and capable woman.”
“I welcome the strong contractions which move my baby down and into the world.”
“I am not afraid; I was born to do this. The pain that I am feeling cannot compare to the joy that is coming.”
“My body knows how to birth my baby.”
“My pelvis releases and opens as have those of countless women before me.”
“I feel the strong waves of labour and know that everything is normal and progressing.”
“My body has a wide-open space for my baby to descend. The strength of my uterine contractions is a sign of my feminine strength.”
“I allow my body’s natural anaesthesia to flow through my body.”


Maternity Nest

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