Igbo Names for twin boys, and their meanings

Looking for Igbo names for twin boys? Do you have twin boys on the way, or are you a hopeful parent of twin boys in the future? With double blessings come double decisions. We understand how much of a big decision it is settling for one name; let alone two! We hope to inspire our Igbo parents and readers with our creative and comprehensive list of perfect pair of Igbo names for twin boys.

What makes for a perfect pair of names? Well historically, twin names are usually similar in meaning or similar in sound. Some parents might prefer not to have names that match too closely, to avoid confusing the twins, themselves, and everyone involved. Whatever your preference, we have it all covered. These names are very rich in their meanings, which we have also provided.

Let us know which is your favourite pair. Name suggestions are also welcome.

Perfect Igbo Names for Twin Boys

1Akachi and UkachiThe hand of God ; The plan of God
2Akachukwu and AkuchukwuThe hand of God ; The wealth of God
3Akaolisa and AkuolisaHand of God ; Wealth of God
4Akuabata and AkubunnaWealth has come ; Wealth is the father (ultimate)
5Akuabata and IfeabataWealth has come ; Light has come
6Akubueze and AkubunnaSame meaning: Wealth is king
7Akuchinyere and UgochinyereWealth from God ; Prestige or Honour from God
8Akunwa and AkuchiWealthy child or wealth from a child ; God's wealth
9Akusinachi and IfesinachiWealth from God ; Something (gift) from God
10Akusinachi and UbasinachiSame meaning: Wealth comes from God
11Arinzechukwu and EkenedilichukwuSame meaning: Thanks be to God
12Beluolisa and BerechiSame meaning: If not for the sake of God
14Chetanna and ChetachiSame meaning: Remember your God
15Chialuka and ChielokaGod did a great work ; God thought of this well
16Chibudom and ChibundomGod is my peace ; God is my resting place/refuge/shelter
17Chibueze and ChibunnaGod is king ; God is the father (almighty)
18Chibuikem and ChibundomGod is my strength ; God is my shelter
19Chichebem and ChidubemGod protect me ; God lead me
20Chichebem and ChijidemSame meaning: May God protect me/hold me
21Chidike and ChidireGod is strong ; God is powerful
22Chidozie and ChimezieSame meaning: May God make something or a person or a situation good
23Chidumeje and ChisomagaSame meaning: God walks with me
24Chiedozie and ChiekezieGod has fixed (him) well ; God has created (him) well
25Chiemeka and ChialukaSame meaning: God did a great work
26Chiemezugo and ChiemerigoGod has completed his work ; God has won
27Chijioke and ChinwokeSame meaning: God is the custodian of blessings
28Chikamso and ChikaimaI'm walking with God or following God ; It's God we know
29Chikezie and ChidozieSame meaning: May God fix or make something good
30Chimaobi and ChimamkpaGod knows my heart ; God knows my needs
31Chimbuchi and ChimkachiSame meaning: My God is the God (as in greatest), and my God is the greatest
32Chimdindu and ChimdiebubeMy God is alive ; My God is great
33Chimdindu and ChimdireMy God is alive ; my God is powerful
34Chimdirim and ChimdiukwuMy God is on my side ; My God is great
35Chimdiukwu and ChimdiebubeSame meaning: My God is great
36Chimdiuto and ChimdiogoMy God is sweet ; My God is kind
37Chimnonso and ChimsomMy God is near ; My God is with me
38Chinenye and ChinonyeGod Gives ; God be with me
39Chinweike and ChibuikeSame meaning: Strength belongs to God
40Chinweotito and ChikwesiliotitoSame meaning: All praise belongs to God
41Chukwuemeka and ChukwuebukaGod did something good and God is great
42Chukwuemeka and ChukwuebukaGod has done well; God is great
43Echezonanna and LotannaSame meaning: Remember your father (or who your father is)
44Enyichi and OyichiSame meaning: God's friend
45Enyinna and OyinnaSame meaning: Father's friend
46Ezinna and EzichiSame meaning: Good God (father)
47Gosioranachimdike and GosifechukwuShow the world that my God is powerful (strong) ; Show the world the light of God
48Ifeanyichukwu and IfeadikachukwuNothing is greater than God ; Nothing is like God
49Ifechidere and IfechiluruWhat God has written ; What God has done
50Ifemyolunna and KamsiyonnaWhat I asked of God ; As I asked of God
51Ihechimere and IheomachimereWhat God has done ; The good God has done
52Ikemefuna and AfamefunaMy strength shall not be lost ; My name shall not be lost
53Jachike and JamalumchikeSame meaning: Praise God for his power
54Jachimma and JachikePraise God for his goodness or beauty ; Praise God for his strength or power
55Jidekene and JideotitoSame meaning: All praise belongs to God
57Jidenna and JideoforHold on to your father ; Hold on to your truth (you are justified)
58Kaefechukwu and KamfeechukwuLet God be worshipped ; Let me worship God
59Kainyechukwuekene and KaitochukwuSame meaning: Let's praise/thank God
60Kaitochukwu and KaetochukwuLet's praise God ; Let God be praised
61Kaitochukwu and KaitobennaSame meaning: Let's praise/thank God
62Kamdiri and kambiliSame meaning: I shall live
63Kamsiyochukwu and KosisochukwuAs I asked of God ; As it pleased God
64Kanene and KanayoSame meaning: Let's look unto God and Let's keep asking God (for a need)
65Kenechukwu and TobechukwuSame meaning: Let's praise/thank God
66Kenenna and KeneolisaSame meaning: Thank God
67Kobichimdi and KobichimraHow the heart of my God is ; How big the heart of my God is
68Kobimtochukwu and KobimfeechukwuLet my heart praise God ; Let my heart worship God
69Kosisonna and KamsiyonnaAs it pleased God ; As I asked of God
70Kosisonna and KosisochukwuSame meaning: As it pleased God
71Kwesikenachi and NosikenachiSame meaning: Believe strongly in God ; Stay strong with God
72Lotanna and LotachiSame meaning: Remember your God
73Nwabueze and NwabugoA child is king ; A child brings pride or honour
74Nzubechukwu and IzuchukwuSame meaning: God's plan (or God's will)
75Okezika and OmezikaSame meaning: Perfect creation from God
76Onyekachi and OnyedikachiWho is greater than God ; Who is like God?
77Onyekachukwu and OnyedikachukwuWho is greater than God ; Who is like God?
78Onyemaechi and ChimaechiWho knows tomorrow? ; God knows tomorrow
79Osinachi and IsinachiFrom God ; You are from God
80Osinobichukwu and OdinobichukwuFrom the heart of God ; In the heart of God
81Oyirinna and AfunwaelotannaSame meaning: Looks like his father
82Somadina and SomayinaSame meaning: May I not be or walk alone
83Somkene and DumkeneSame meaning: Praise God with me
84Somkene and SomtochukwuSame meaning: Thank/praise God with me
85Ugochukwu and EbubechukwuThe pride of God ; The glory of God
86Ugonna and UgochukwuPride of the father ; Pride of God
87Yadichimma and YadilichukwuLet it be pleasing to God ; Let's leave it for God
88Yagazie and OgadimmaSame meaning: It shall be well
89Yagazie and YobachiIt shall be well or go well ; Let's ask or pray to God
90Zimuzo and ZimifeShow me the way ; Show me the light
READ ALSO  Nigerian baby names: 240 Yoruba names for girls and their meanings

Looking for more inspiration? Our list of 350 Igbo names for boys and 320 Igbo names for girls would be a great resource for you.

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