Munchkin has recalled pacifiers over choking hazard

Does your baby use a Munchkin LATCH ™ pacifier? It might interest you to know that Munchkin has recalled over 180,000 of its Latch lightweight pacifiers and clip over the risk of choking the product poses.

The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, says the pacifiers come in five styles and different colours and were sold between $11 and $15 at Babies R Us, Target, Wal-Mart and other stores, and also online on Amazon and other websites, between March 2014 and March 2016.

It has been found that the clip cover can come off the pacifier clip, and this poses a choking hazard for young children.

Though there has been no injuries so far, 10 reports(5 in the US, 5 in Canada) have been made to Munchkin about the clip cover detaching from the clip.

The Commission is asking consumers to take away the clips from children and contact Munchkin for a refund or replacement.

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