My birth story: I never knew God had a special plan for me

I decided to save my birth story till today because today is a special day.
I got married on 17/4/17 and just like many ladies do, I calculated the birth of my first child lol. For me, e go enter on the wedding night so I anticipated my first child would be born on Jan /Feb 2018.

I never knew God had a special plan for me.

Months went by and my monthly visitor never stopped saying hi. My colleagues started questioning as if na dem dey follow me go. To be frank, I understood what it meant to be a TTC woman. The pressure was so much in a marriage that was not yet up to a year old. I started avoiding certain people because they won’t stop wanting to know how far, especially my colleagues. Some recommended styles *to do the do* even snake in the monkey shadow style lol. Even mum and mum-in-law (of the blessed memory) were not left out.

Fast forward to September 2017, my birth month. I asked God for a birthday gift and he did give me a priceless gift. My period went on more than a year’s journey.

I conquered during my pregnancy days because God was with me all through. I had an attempted miscarriage. I fell down while crossing a gutter and also while having my bath. I had a road accident. I lost my granny and my mother-in-law while I was pregnant.

Before the D-day, I went for ante-natal and told my doctor that I was 5 days late kinda and there was no sign of labour yet. He admitted me and recommended induction for me. The first six hours were like a joke but the other hours were like hell. From 12pm to 12pm the next day, I was still being induced. After the third dose, I asked the nurse to invite the surgeon. After much argument with the CMD, I was taken to the theatre and my Goodluck charm came forth on 27/4/18. To my sis believing God for a miracle, God will surprise you and you will testify soon, Amen.

Maternity Nest

Nigerian information hub for parents and parents-to-be.

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