My birth story: I wasn’t really scared of labour despite all the stories I’ve been hearing

My birth story

I wasn’t really scared of labour despite all the stories I’ve been hearing of it.
I was at home with my mom who is a well trained nurse and she kept reminding me of the signs of labour in case I felt any. My Edd was 21 January which was to be a Monday. So everyone ran out of patience of me giving birth as they felt it took so long. So one day as they were taunting me as usual, I said to them, don’t worry on Sunday I’ll put to bed.
They all laughed.
And one of my friends on Facebook told me I shouldn’t give birth yet, I should wait till 20th as it’s his birthday. I rebuked him that I want to give birth before then. Then on Friday 18th, I woke up and noticed my mucus plug had started falling off. I ran to tell my mom, she was very happy, she started singing and told my senior sister to boil hot water and bath me. The pain was very mild then. Then Friday night, my mom did VE, 2cm. She said I should endure. That night I couldn’t sleep so she was praying for me.
Saturday morning, I was indoors as I was in pains. I started singing. My compound people didn’t see me that day and they started coming inside to stay with me small. In the evening, the pain was unbearable. My mom took me to the hospital. One woman was in labor and she was shouting, I pitied her.  She then gave birth and was taken out. It was now my turn, they did VE it was too tight and just 2cm since. I was on fire but I didn’t shout and my mom was very happy with me. I was doing strong girl till the pain became unbearable and I started shouting at the top of my voice. There were up to 10 nurses there with me helping me to walk from one end to another. They did VE again, it was 5cm and my water didn’t break. They said I should continue walking, my leg was stiff and I was feeling sleepy.
Till Sunday morning I was still in labour. All the nurses gathered with my mother and started whispering. I didn’t know that they put something in my drip and the pain was too much I wanted to go mad. I was rolling on the floor. They carried me to the labor bed and calmed me down, taught me how to push and broke my water and asked me to push.
I enjoyed the pushing.
They used scissors to cut my vjay and the baby came out, a baby boy. They stitched it up again and cleaned me and the baby.
He weighed 3.5. I was very happy. Now he’s 4 months and we’re together in the university.

Maternity Nest

Nigerian information hub for parents and parents-to-be.

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