My post-baby body: Solum

I would recommend a very very low carb diet for belly fat, and a lot of water and protein. Since I cut out a lot of carbs from my diet, even the healthy ones (wheat, quinoa, granola , oats etc), I have lost 3 inches on my stomach and that’s just in about 2 weeks.


At Maternity Nest, we are always on the look out for mothers who have successfully bounced back and are fit after having their babies.

We know it’s such a struggle to combine our fitfam goals with our busy mommy/wifey/work schedules; therefore we try to get all the details on how they are able to achieve this, so as to encourage other moms and moms-to-be who may be in need of inspiration/motivation to stay fit after pregnancy.

Today, we have a chat with Solum, a new mom and a fitness enthusiast. She knows her onions in all things weight loss, and is very good at motivating others to stay fit. You will definitely be glad you read this interview. It’s packed with useful tips! Enjoy!

Tell us a bit more about Solum.


I work with defense. I have just 1 child, he’s 8 months old. I’m always looking for new challenges and I love to play basketball. I’m also totally totally obsessed with popcorn and M &M’s .

When after childbirth did you start your fitness journey?

I started long walks around my residence at 3 weeks and did that till 6 weeks. I started actively exercising after my 6th week appointment when the doctor gave me the all clear.

A lot of women believe they should wait till they are done breastfeeding before they start trying to lose the baby weight. What do you think about this?

I read a lot, and research has shown that you can start mild exercises like walking at 4 weeks. If you had a CS, you can start at 8 weeks if properly healed (all subject to your doctors advice). I also read that breastfeeding doesn’t impair your ability to exercise, so I worked with it while listening to my body. I think it’s all about knowledge and enlightenment. There are lots of myths concerning pregnancy, pre and post, and it’s only medical research that can put your mind at ease. I even worked out 3 times a week when I was pregnant and it really helped me with morning sickness.

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How much did you weigh by the end of your pregnancy and how much weight have you lost so far? Will you continue after you reach your pre-pregnancy weight?

I weighed 86.5kg at the time I gave birth. Currently I weigh 67.2kg. That’s a total of 19.3kg loss. I weighed 64kg before I got pregnant. I would like to go below my pre pregnancy weight to maybe 55 or 57kg at least. I used to weigh that some years back. Never say never!

Now at 67kg (1)


This is the part we love most. Can you share every detail of your weight loss regimen with us?

I try to eat clean. I also drink a ton of water. Initially, I was eating one healthy carb meal per day and other foods, but I’m currently on a keto diet, which is basically carbs to the barest minimum, almost like no carbs! Its also known as LCHF (Low Carbs High Fat). So you get to take a lot of water, protein, vegetables and some fruits. As for workouts, from my 4th to 6th month, I was on HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workouts at home with weights. I did a Jillian Micheal’s challenge – The Bodyshred workout (Highly recommended!!!). Note that it’s different from the 30-day shred. I Did it for 30 days, and then continued with other videos like Keira Lashae, Fitness Blender, Taebo etc. I love HIIT workouts because they get the job done in little time.

What/Who is your biggest motivation to keep pushing?

13565471_10206211746127711_560401161_nMyself. I am always in competition with myself and anytime I can’t achieve something, I feel awful, so everything is a challenge for me. Also because I prefer myself lean and fit. So I push myself. My husband also motivates me too, sometimes we work out together.

Belly fat is the main problem area for a lot of mothers. Do you have specific tips for losing belly fat?

I would recommend a very very low carb diet for belly fat, and a lot of water and protein. Since I cut out a lot of carbs from my diet, even the healthy ones (wheat, quinoa, granola, oats etc), I have lost 3 inches on my stomach and that’s just in about 2 weeks. Secondly, I always tuck my tummy in all through the day. It’s a habit. I read it strengthens the stomach muscles and helps you long term in achieving a flatter tummy and I attest to it.

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What is your daily meal plan like? What would you typically have for breakfast/lunch/dinner and in-between? Any special diet or slimming teas? 

I’m currently on a low carb high fat diet (LCHF) also known as ketogenic diet, so breakfast would normally be egg-based (boiled or fried), a side of vegetables, plain green tea or optionally with skim milk; or sometimes, just a green smoothie. My lunch most times is protein and vegetables, eg chicken salad or ugba or sardine salad (lol, I formed that one), or just naija soups (such as okro, afang, vegetable, bitterleaf, egusi etc) and meat or fish; but without swallow. Dinner is usually soups. I experiment a lot in the kitchen, so dinner can be soups like peppersoup, carrot soups, cabbage soup, potato curry, and other soups I concoct (lol), with bits of kidney or gizzard or fish.  No fancy teas or supplements for me, no thanks! I take only green tea and water. Snacks are nuts, or a dash of Greek yogurt. Also, have you ever tasted carrot and peanut butter? Oh Lawd. Divine!!!!! Healthy and delish, perfect snack! My husband has also joined me in LCHF, and he’s amazed at all the food options we eat. Its not a restrictive diet at all, if you have a creative mind.

What would you say are the main challenges you face and how do you overcome them?

My work schedule is a major challenge. It is crazy! As a result, I am tempted to eat the wrong things, stress and all. So no matter the position I find myself, I have committed to making the right choices. I went to a restaurant close to work the other day and ordered just okro soup and meat. No swallow. They looked at me like I was crazy, but that was me getting my vegetables and protein. It was delicious and I was stuffed. I haven’t eaten rice in forever, and I don’t miss it! Sweet things are also a major challenge, but I talk to myself and remind myself to stay on course and focus on the big picture. I was 3kg away from my goal weight before I moved to another state on work transfer. I didn’t settle in well and as a result added 9kg on top of my loss! I’m back on track now, and I have lost that 9kg as I speak, by overhauling my diet and trying to fit my fit life into my schedule somehow.

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The excuse a lot of people give for not working out is lack of time and energy. How do you  fit your fitness regimen into your daily work/ mommy/ wife schedule?

I just do. I am way behind my schedule anyway so I just get on with it. My goal was 6 months postpartum, I’m behind by 2 months already. Sometimes I get in my exercise at work by stair climbing. If I want to do something upstairs at work, I do it, come downstairs, pick the second issue I need to attend to, and go upstairs and do it, even if it’s something I can do all at once. That way, I get in a lot of workout, sometimes up to 8000 steps before the day is over and also burn calories. Secondly, I and my husband joined the online Truppr group in my area.


It’s a fitness group that has an app. They run 5km three times a week, in the evenings. That keeps me accountable. Presently I have graduated to 5.5km. Yay!

Finally, what is your advice to other moms battling with the baby weight and want to be like you?

13551065_10206211733487395_1833744411_nNike. Just do it! ✔. Start today, start little and build up.Time will pass anyway, wouldn’t you rather use that time effectively? It’s OK to start and fail, provided you pick yourself up again and continue. Nobody has it all figured out, we fall and we get up. The aim is to keep moving.

Thank you for sharing these useful tips. We really appreciate it.

The pleasure is mine really. This blog inspires me a lot.

Have you been able to lose that excess baby weight? How did you do it? Interested in motivating other women by sharing your tips and regimen? Contact us at with the subject “my post-baby body”.

Do you need support and motivation to lose weight and stay fit? Join other moms in the Postpartum weight loss challenge forum. Let’s struggle together! See you there!

Maternity Nest

Nigerian information hub for parents and parents-to-be.

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