Pregnancy Week 41

What’s your baby up to?

Well your baby hasn’t grown much since last week. He is just waiting it out in your warm and cozy cocoon. Provided your placenta is still supplying nutrients, your baby is doing alright.

How are you doing?

At this point, you are so fed up with waiting and probably under pressure with all the “haven’t you given birth yet?” questions from friends and family.

The exhaustion and discomfort you feel these days may be getting you in an irritable mood. Don’t get desperate, a lot of other women are in the same boat.

How to help get things moving 

Now that you’ve gone past your due date, your caregiver will most likely offer you a membrane sweep. It is a method of  stimulating the cervix to produce hormones that may trigger labour, by using circular movements to “sweep” round your cervix. It is usually done at the 40 or 41 weeks appointment.

If  labour still doesn’t start, a date will be chosen to have your labour induced. For safety reasons, you shouldn’t be pregnant more than 42 weeks, because the chances of an infection in your uterus or the risk of a stillbirth are greatly increased.

There are a few things other moms swear by which you can try to encourage the onset of labour: hot spicy curry, lots of sex and orgasms, brisk walking, bouncing on a birthing ball, castor oil (under your health giver’s supervision), eating lots of pineapple, stimulating the nipples, dancing, drinking raspberry tea, acupuncture/acupressure, massage, evening primrose oil, eating date fruit, etc.

READ ALSO  Pregnancy Week 13

What worked for one person might not work for another, so don’t get desperate with any of these things, it will only lead to frustration.

What to do with yourself while you wait?

We have a few suggestions on how to get your mind off things:

  • Spa day, fun day! Seriously, when was the last time you had a facial or a full body massage? You should pamper yourself these last few days, pregnancy is hard work, and you deserve a treat. You won’t have the time for these things once your baby arrives.
  • Chat with other moms in your due date club whose due dates have passed too. Having a support system can be really invigorating.
  • Go out with friends and have fun! Go to the shopping mall, cinema, museum,etc.
  • Get a pedicure! Girl, you know you need a pedicure! Especially since you’ve not been able to see beyond your bump for a while.

Finally, if it happens this week, congratulations in advance! Don’t rush off to the baby and breastfeeding section without sharing your good news and birth story with other moms in your Due Date Club. Our ears are seriously itching!

After your doctor gives you the OK to start exercising, be sure to join other moms in the Postpartum weight loss challenge. Losing the baby weight is fun and easy when we struggle together!

Maternity Nest

Nigerian information hub for parents and parents-to-be.

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