A rare act of kindness: Professor holds baby as mom writes exam

Photos of a professor wearing a baby on his back while the mother writes an exam has warmed a lot of hearts.

In this rare show of fatherly love to a student, a professor of University of Alassane, Quattara Bouaké, Côte d’Ivoire, was reported to be comforting a crying baby whose mom had to sit for an exam.



It’s always good to see a mother determined to achieve her dreams against all odds; but it’s even better to see people who enable them accomplish their goals.

While a lot of hearts were warmed by the professor’s act of kindness, it was surprising to find a few people who thought the professor should not have sacrificed his professionalism to become a child-minder.

Well, for us at Maternity Nest, we say – Thank You Professor. You are a true example of what a father should be.

What do you say?


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Maternity Nest

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