The Proverbs 31 Husband, who can find him?

Brothers and sisters, welcome to the ministry, let’s fellowship!

Today’s reflection shall be taken from the Book of Proverbs chapter 31, from verse 10 to 31…Hallelujah!

Ehn? Did someone say “not again”?

Err…madam…madam, keep calm. Kilode? I understand your annoyance, but you must have some decorum in the church!

Now, I know this passage has been read to you a million times, telling you how to be ‘the perfect wife’, how to be this ‘ideal woman’.

I understand how frustrating his can get since none was written for the ‘perfect husband’; because really, what is the point of being a perfect woman if you end up with a fantastically imperfect man?

But today is your lucky day! Turn to your neighbour and say “today is your lucky day”!

Yes, because we are blessed to receive the anointing from this passage we shall read from the New and Improved Version, written by a very wise African woman.

Can the church say Amen? Sister Deola, oya read for us.

Epilogue: The Husband of Noble Character

10 A husband of noble character who can find?
    He is worth far more than rubies.
11 His wife has full confidence in him
    and lacks nothing of value.
12 He brings her good, not harm,
    all the days of his life.
13  To him, ‘Head of the family’ is not a title,
it is a way of life. 

14 He earns his respect by his actions,
not by demanding to be respected.

15 He is a leader, a teacher, a lover, a brother, a helper, and a friend;
    the true definition of a husband.
16 He works hard to provide for his family.
He puts food on the table, or at least tries to.
17  His wife is a help-meet; a partner, not a slave!
Her opinion counts, she is loved and respected.
18 He cares about the spiritual welfare of his family, he calls the family together for prayers.
He is the spiritual leader of the home. He is to his family, what Christ is to the church.
19 He is emotionally committed to his wife, there are no strange women outside the home.
A man of his words, he keeps to the vows he took at the altar.
20 He opens the lines of communication,
there are no secrets, no grudges.
21 In times of disagreements, he is ready to make peace.
With his words, not his hands;
dialogue, not violence.
22 His life is a lesson to his kids;
he is worthy of emulation.
23 He teaches them morals and family values,
from the way he leads his life.

24 He loves his children so much.
A love he demonstrates, by loving and caring for their mother.
25 His children arise and call him blessed;
His wife also, and she praises him:
26 “Many men do noble things,
But you surpass them all.”
27 Charm is deceptive, and handsomeness is fleeting;
But a man who fears the Lord is to be praised.
28 The husband of noble character;
He exists. He actually does exist, but who can find him?
29 For he is rare and in high demand,
there isn’t enough of him to go round.
30 And when you find him, honour him for all the works his hands have done.
Sing his praise at the city gates and on social media, for you are one of the lucky few.
31 And when you don’t find him, raise up your sons to be future noble husbands;
For they will be worth far more than rubies.

Thank You so much sister Deola. God bless you.

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Yes? Brother Dino, why are you raising your hands when I’m about to start preaching? Do you have something to add to the scripture?

“No my pastor, I just want to say that all these ones you people are doing will not work, all these your feminism agenda. Proverbs 31 was written for women, if the wise African woman likes let her twist all the words, every woman should be perfect and must submit to her husband simple. If her husband is doing anything wrong, she must pray for him and watch War room. A good woman keeps her home…”

Sit down there my friend with your misogynist rant! You are the definition of everything that is wrong with today’s African man.

Abeg, my congregation, who has something more useful to say?

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