Couple finally pregnant with twins after 953 days of praying and 452 needles

"Worth the wait. And wait, and wait, and wait." That is the perfect summary of a Texas couple's infertility journey, portrayed in an emotional IVF-themed pregnancy announcement which has quickly gone viral. Lauren and Garyth Walker battled infertility for over two and a half years, but are now expecting twins in August 2017; a boy and a girl…

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Meet the world’s first baby with three biological parents

A five-month-old baby boy born to a Jordanian couple who has been trying to start a family for almost 20 years, is the world's first baby to be born through a new three-parent technique, reports New Scientist. He has DNA from three people - his mom, his dad, and an egg donor. This was done using a new…

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Worth more than a thousand words: This is exactly what IVF is!

This picture posted by Sher Fertility Institute brilliantly captures all what IVF represents, and it quickly went viral for a good reason. A lot of people in our society look down on women that went the IVF route, but it can be chalked down to ignorance. If they understood exactly how physically and emotionally draining IVF…

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In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): Answers to all your IVF questions

Recent developments in reproductive technology, have brought about an increase in success of infertility treatments. More treatment options are now available to women who have difficulty in conceiving, and IVF is one of the options. Over 1 million babies have been conceived by IVF throughout the world. In recent times, more Nigerians have come to accept IVF…

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