Abuja doctor who threatened to divorce his wife over her addiction to telemundo, says she has changed

The news of an Abuja based pediatrician who threatened to divorce his wife over her obsession with Telemundo and ZEE World TV, went viral some weeks ago. He had complained that his wife’s obsession made her to neglect her wifely and motherly duties. “She keeps watching these shows when she’s supposed to be partaking in more important things like taking care of the children and cooking reasonable food for us,” he said. He added that on many occasions, he had to eat in a restaurant, because the wife either forgot to cook or burnt the ones she tried to cook.

It caused quite a buzz on the internet, because a lot of men agreed that their wives also had an obscene addiction to the said TV channels; while some women admitted that those channels were indeed very addictive. However, most people were of the opinion that the matter should have been settled indoors and wasn’t enough grounds for a divorce.

Well, Dr. Eze chibuzor is in the news again with an update. “I am happy to tell you that my wife has really improved and I enjoy coming home now. She eventually listened to me and decided to put the time and energy invested in those channels into our marriage’’,  gushed a happy Dr. Eze to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN).

He explained that since he took the matter to the media, his wife has changed for the better. He admits that though his wife still watches the shows, she now does so with some restraint, and even uses an alarm as a gentle reminder of when to carry out her wifely duties. For this reason, he wasn’t going forward with the divorce plans as he has had a change of mind.

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In fact, he mentioned that he loves his wife so much and was sorry for the public embarrassment he had caused her; but “desperate situations call for desperate measures and I had to do what I felt was right for my marriage”, he said. He has tried to make thing up to her by taking her out on dates to eat at the restaurant; which is the only time he has had to eat out again ever since the divorce threat.


Culled from Daily Post.

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