Your baby’s gender may determine your risk for pregnancy complications, says new research

Who knew that the gender of the baby of a pregnant woman could influence more than shopping for blue or pink clothes?

Results from a new research led by the University of Adelaide, show that there’s a higher likelihood for pregnancy complications when it’s a baby boy that is born.

The research was carried out by a team involving the University of Adelaide’s Robinson Research Institute, the University of Groningen in The Netherlands, and the Pregnancy Outcome Unit of SA Health.

They studied data from 574,000 South Australian births over a 30-year period in order to find out the relationship between gender and pregnancy complications such as pre-term birth, pregnancy-induced high blood pressure disorders, and gestational diabetes mellitus.

It was the first time a population-based study to confirm differences in birth outcomes based on gender was conducted in Australia.

“The major conclusion of our study is that the evidence is there and it is very clear: the sex of the baby has a direct association with pregnancy outcomes,” says Claire Roberts, the research leader and senior author from the University of Adelaide’s Robinson Research Institute.

In more details, the pregnancy outcomes for baby boys is that they are more likely to be born spontaneously pre-term. Boys show a 27% higher risk for a pre-term birth between 20-24 weeks’ gestation, 24% higher risk for a pre-term birth between 30-33 weeks, and 17% higher risk for pre-term birth between 34-36 weeks.

How about the pregnant mom? Mothers carrying boys are 4% more likely to suffer gestational diabetes, and 7.5% more likely to suffer pre-eclampsia at term.

This study also shows that mothers carrying baby girls are not free from pregnancy complication. In fact, there’s a 22% higher risk for early onset pre-eclampsia that may require a pre-term delivery.

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This relationship between gender and pregnancy complications may have gotten you worried about what the future holds for you and your baby’s health during pregnancy, but here’s the bright side:

“Our results indicate there may be a need for specific interventions tailored to male and female babies, to prevent adverse outcomes for both child and mother”, said lead author, Dr Petra Verburg from the University of Groningen.

“We’re investigating other factors that may predict pregnancy complications, taking fetal sex into account”, she added.

The research leader, Claire says the placenta may hold the answers to the differences in pregnancy outcomes for baby boys, baby girls and their mothers.

“The placenta is critical for pregnancy success. We believe that sex differences in placental function may explain the differences we’re seeing in outcomes for newborn boys and girls, and their mothers.

“The next step is to understand the consequence of these differences and how they influence the path to pregnancy complications.

Source: University of Adelaide.

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