Mom Crush Monday: Solum Ikelie

Mom Crush Monday (MCM) is The Motherhood Nests Group‘s spotlight series where we feature the top contributors of the group to learn more about them. Consider this a hot seat session where members of our group ask you loads of questions which our MCM must answer.

Today’s MCM is our in-house fitness coach and founder of SHED It FitnessSolum Ikelie. She’s consistently shared fitness posts and motivation with other moms and moms-to-be in the group. She’s been a member of The Motherhood Nest  from the very start, and has been so active that she earned the badge of a ‘conversation starter’.

This is a hot seat session where we all get to bombard her with our questions, thoughts and opinions, which she must respond to. The idea is to find out who exactly Solum Ikelie is.

To set the ball rolling, draw out her personality, and highlight the basic information, we asked her a few questions on different areas of her life.

These conversation starters will help you form your own questions for her

What three words best describe you?
Stubborn, committed, loyal.

What do you do for a living?
I’m a lawyer and a fitness coach.

How do you combine motherhood with your busy schedule? Any pro-tip for other working moms like you?
I go by elimination method. Remove less important activities like social media and TV and use that time to accomplish other things. I also have a very very fantastic domestic help.

What is a controversial opinion you have?
Religion is tiring. Virginity is a farce. Don’t marry anyone who cannot give you orgasms.

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If you could turn back the hands of time, what advice would you give your younger self?
Don’t date idiots.

In your opinion, are you a good wife or a better mother?
Probably a better mother. I’m a bit too independent for the whole wife thing but I try. Maybe my husband should answer that. Lol.

Are you working on a project or do you have a business you think we would be interested to hear about?
I help women get their bodies back after childbirth. I also help them lose weight and manage diastasis recti and hernia which come with pregnancy. I have worked with over 100 mums and helped them restore their confidence. I also work with non mums. I am planning a packed online Webinar where I will be exposing the important things to do in the first few months after delivery that will really help your “snapback” game. It will be online on my Instagram page so stay glued to my handle to know when it’s about to go down.

As a parent, what’s that thing you’re going to do differently than your parents did?
Flogging. Yelling. Transfer of aggression. I try communication and hugs and affirmation. It’s not easy but I have my mind made up.

What would you do if someone bullied your child?
One of us will have to sleep at the Army barracks.

Why are you so passionate about fitness? How did you become a fitness coach?
Fitness saved me. I have always been big. At 19, I was already 82kg. Fitness gave me a purpose and drive. Showed me that I can do anything. I can’t control the work but I can control my body. It also helped me discipline other aspects of my life. Also after childbirth I really struggled. But the experience shaped me to be better fitness and health wise. so many mums are struggling and some of us have the answers. So the goal is to save as many people as I can who are willing to be saved. I have been there done that. So I use that experience to help people. I am always thrilled when I’m able to guide people to see what their bodies are capable of. And watch them fall in love with the fit and healthy life.

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As a fitness coach, what fitness advice or motivation do you have for us?
According to science the older you get the slower your metabolism gets which means the older you get, the harder it gets to lose weight and keep healthy. So start now!

What do you love about The Motherhood Nest group?
Judgement free, interactive and drama free.

Solum Ikelie

Where are you hanging out on social media? Share your pages. both on Instagram and Facebook.

Would you like to ask some questions of your own? Come on and join our community of moms and moms-to-be!

The Motherhood Nest is a highly informative, positive and interactive Nigerian community for moms and moms to be. Are you trying to conceive (TTC), newlywed/engaged, pregnant, a new mom, or an experienced mom? Join in to learn and share your motherhood journey with women in the same situation as you. Click here to join. See you there!

Maternity Nest

Nigerian information hub for parents and parents-to-be.

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